Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Integrating Polarities: Yin/Yang Balance to Acheive Trinity/Neutrality

The organic evolution of our species, finds us in the midst of an adaptation, by means of photosynthesis, wherein, the sun's cosmic rays, are triggering the activation of our original 12 string crystalline D.N.A. template. This activation, initiates changes in our D.N.A. structure, that brings on line, more silica pulling back on the carbon. This molecular alteration, is changing us and we must make adjustments to be comfortable embodying this lighter frequency.

It will make us react to food, light, noise, energy, etc. as it is integrated within us.

When addressing yin/yang chi energy, we are perceiving the male and female polarities, which can be related  to our car's battery. Positive/Male/Red charge and Negative/Female/Black charge, for the electrical charge to generate the current.
This is in fact what the "trinity" represents: the integration of polarities; balanced yin/yang.

When addressing gender, we all contain this yin/yang recipe in differing quantities. Depending on the levels of these gender aspects, our identity is reflected.

When our Chi/Soul enters an avatar, the avatar being our body/vehicle/Merkaba; we, as Light Beings, more silica based than carbon based, and by lowering our frequency, we are enabled to function in this, a lower carbon based dimensional reality. 

Our Over Soul self, has experienced (found in our Akashic memories), all Dimensional realities, Planetary lifetimes, Species hybrids, Gender expressions, and experiences "we" have interfaced with during our never-ending life force/consciousness experience.

Therefore, to accept "all" as the "energy" they are vs. judging one based on how one looks, is essential to our paradigm shift. Basing any astigmatism on race, religion, sexual preference etc. is dogmatic, limiting, and goes against the entire Star Nations catalog of thousands of species and races. It is an incorrect belief based on lack of exposure to accurate human history. The movies: "The Village", "The Matrix", and "The Truman show" all depict this illusion well.

Which contrasts now against the old Atlantian agenda of pro technology: to engineer a perfect race of transhumans. This is expressed through the Lucifer Rebellion that is attempting to continue it's hyjacking of the human species through the erosion of our D.N.A. by way of GMO, Nano, and CERN. This would be reflected as the Lucius Trust. 
Also in the New World agenda, we find the Black League, who also have a vested interest in how humanity is "evolved" and "managed". This would be the Saturnians: Black Pope. Both use occult ritual "magic" which is merely an inversion of esoteric wisdom, thus understanding the energetic core knowledge of our Pineal Gland as a receiver of those activating cosmic rays/wave frequencies.

To prevent our evolution, these factions have laid down elaborate architecture that has created an inorganic Earth matrix that goes against our Lemurian origins.

As starseeds, we came to Earth/Gaia/Velatropa, as a migration/problem/solution project. Our evolutionary process brings together many species and planetary systems in alignment and agreement, that Earth, as a vital interplanetary resource, should be protected, and by colonizing here, this was achieved. "Garden of Eden".

Duality, is this frequency's net, that traps us, into supplying the necessary lower frequency that keeps Earth and humanity, trapped in the matrix/prison system of unconscious duality and reincarnation. Granted, if you have kharmic debt, you stay till you figure it out but what had been initially set up as a choice has become enslavement. The movie "Jupiter Ascending" explains this well. The "corporate industries" who enslave us here to do their work and to harvest the energy.

The New Age movement was a push by the controllers to confuse us during this great awakening for they know this evolution is occurring, and in a proactive move to prevent it, began releasing disinfo starting in the 60's. I AM needs to be balanced with We Are: I am a unique expression of the Prime Creator; together, We Are the architects/designers/co-creators of this reality.

Authenticity, Individuality, Uniqueness Balanced with Unity, Integrity, and Collective Consciousness.
These are our cornerstones; the Divine Guidestones of Pure Source/Prime Creator.

To understand, that which we are a part of, is to recognize that the power within, is for the achievement of the Hundreth Monkey adaptation. We are the pioneers, paving the way for the others, and in doing so, we must seek truth passionately, which means we must do our research, we must understand the mission...first hand. We cannot allow ourselves to be used as a tool for that disinformation agenda. 
TRUTH exists through and beyond all religions; it exists through and beyond all logic; it exists through and beyond the paranormal; it exists through and beyond the multi-dimensions, for we are multi-dimensional beings having a 3 dimensional shift into a 5th dimensional reality.

Remember who you are; fear nothing, and remain neutral while tearing down the walls of illusion.
This is what overriding the matrix requires! We CAN and WILL DO THIS!!!
We Are the Architects of a New Reality!

shaman Wendi

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